2021年度ICU祭運営方針|Operations Policy for 2021

1. ICU祭を実行する








  1. Executing the ICU Festival

We will execute the ICU Festival that we missed last year. Although the formats and options are subject to change depending on the rates of infections and the University’s measures, we will explore any forms to execute the festival.

2. Making ICU Festival for ICU students

To prevent the spread the infections, we will limit visitors to ICU students on campus. Taking advantage of limiting the participants, on-campus activities will reflect ICU students’ interests and values.

3. Delivering ICU Festival to Everyone

We will deliver our festival to those who will not visit the campus, including parents and the neighbourhood community, via online tools. Utilizing online tools, we will reflect and present the values of the past ICU Festivals.

4. Ensuring the Protocols and Transitioning to Online Platforms

We will prioritize the participants’ health and safety by ensuring the safety protocols on campus. Meanwhile, we will explore online platforms though there is no accumulation of know-how. We will cope with new challenges flexibly to execute the festival.